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Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technologies


  • Level : Undergraduate Program
  • City : Valletta, Malta
  • No. of International Students : Approximately 1,800
  • Avg. Tuition Fee for Undergrad : 2950€ - 3950€ per semester
  • Avg. Tuition Fee for Masters : 2350€ - 4450€ per semester
  • Avg. Tuition Fee for PhD : €3,000 - €5,000 per semester
  • Avg. Tuition Fee for Foundation : €3,500 - €5,000 per semester
  • IELTS Requirement : Yes
  • Application Fee : 350€
  • Application Deadline : February 03 to September 02
  • Application Process Time : 2/3 Weeks
  • University Hostel Fee : 150€
  • Founded : 2001

Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST)

Unlocking Potential: Exploring Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST)

In the charming island nation of Malta, where history and innovation converge, the Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) stands as a beacon of modern education, fostering creativity, knowledge, and practical skills. With diverse programs, a commitment to excellence, and a vibrant student life, MCAST is shaping the next generation of thinkers, doers, and leaders.

Unveiling MCAST: A Brief Overview

Established in 2001, MCAST has quickly become a dynamic and influential institution of higher learning in Malta. With a focus on applied sciences, arts, business, and technology, MCAST offers a comprehensive array of programs tailored to meet the demands of the modern world.

Fun Facts: Discovering MCAST's Unique Character

  • Collaborative Endeavors: MCAST collaborates closely with industries and businesses, ensuring that its programs remain relevant and aligned with the job market's needs. This approach provides students with practical skills that directly translate to real-world success.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: The college boasts modern laboratories, workshops, and studios equipped with cutting-edge technology. This allows students to gain hands-on experience and engage in experiential learning that prepares them for future careers.
  • Artistic Expression: MCAST nurtures artistic talents and celebrates creativity. It offers fine arts, design, and performing arts programs, contributing to Malta's vibrant cultural scene.
  • Research Initiatives: The college is involved in various research projects that contribute to advancing knowledge and innovation in areas ranging from sustainability to technology.

Scholarships: Opening Doors to Opportunity

MCAST is dedicated to providing access to education and supports students through various scholarship programs. These scholarships aim to recognize academic excellence, encourage the pursuit of specialized fields, and alleviate financial barriers. Prospective students are encouraged to explore scholarship opportunities that align with their interests and aspirations.

Admission Criteria: Your Path to MCAST

Admission to MCAST is a competitive process that varies based on the chosen program of study. Aspiring students must meet certain prerequisites, including academic qualifications, language proficiency, and relevant documentation. It's essential to thoroughly review the admission criteria for the specific program you are interested in to ensure a smooth application process.

Beyond the Classroom: Extracurricular Activities

MCAST offers a holistic student experience that extends beyond academic pursuits. The college is home to various clubs, societies, and activities catering to various interests. These extracurricular opportunities provide students a platform to network, develop leadership skills, and cultivate hobbies outside their studies. Whether you're passionate about sports, arts, culture, or community service, there's something for everyone to engage in and contribute to the vibrant campus life.

Tuition Fee
Program Name Duration Course Tuition Fee
Bachelor's in Arts (3 yrs) 6 Semesters 2950€ / Semester

Embracing Malta: Cost of Living and Other Expenses

For those considering MCAST, understanding the cost of living and other expenses is crucial to planning. Here's a table outlining estimated monthly expenses for a student living in Malta:

Expense Estimated Cost Per Month
Accommodation (Rent) €300 - €600
Food €200 - €300
Transportation €30 - €50
Utilities (Electricity, Water, Internet) €50 - €70
Study Materials €50 - €100
Health Insurance €20 - €50
Entertainment/Leisure €100 - €150
Miscellaneous €50 - €100
Total Estimated Cost €800 - €1420

In conclusion, The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) is a public higher education institution in Malta. It was founded in 2001 by merging six technical institutes and the Malta College of Further Education. MCAST offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various fields, including engineering, IT, business, healthcare, and the creative arts.

MCAST is a popular choice for students who want to study in a practical and career-oriented environment. The college has strong links with industry and offers several work-based learning opportunities for its students. MCAST also strongly focuses on lifelong learning and offers a variety of part-time and distance learning courses.

MCAST has six campuses located across Malta. The main campus is in Paola, and there are also campuses in Floriana, Mosta, Gozo, Marsa, and Mqabba. The campuses have modern facilities, including libraries, computer labs, and sports facilities.

MCAST offers a vibrant campus life with a variety of clubs and societies. Students can also participate in sports such as football, basketball, and volleyball. MCAST also hosts several annual cultural events, such as concerts, plays, and exhibitions.

MCAST is a great choice for students who want to study in a modern and practical environment. The college has strong links with industry and offers many work-based learning opportunities. MCAST also strongly focuses on lifelong learning and offers a variety of part-time and distance learning courses.