How to get Malta Passport?

  • Nestled in the Mediterranean Sea, Malta, a cluster of islands with a history as rich as its scenic beauty, welcomes visitors with open arms. At its heart lies a captivating blend of history, culture, and natural wonders, making it a destination like no other.
    • Geographical Marvels: Malta's geography is a testament to nature's artistry. Limestone cliffs adorned with ancient ruins stand proudly against the azure backdrop of the Mediterranean. Hidden coves and pristine beaches like Ramla Bay and the Blue Lagoon invite travelers to indulge in sun-soaked serenity. Dive enthusiasts are drawn to its underwater caves and vibrant marine life, making Malta a paradise beneath the waves.
    • Historical Riches: Steeped in history, Malta is a living museum. From prehistoric temples older than Stonehenge to the awe-inspiring medieval architecture of Valletta, the capital city, every stone tells a story. The legacy of the Knights of St. John, evident in Valletta's Grandmaster's Palace and St. John's Co-Cathedral, adds to the island's allure. Malta's World War II history, including the resilient spirit of its people during the Siege of Malta, is etched into its very soul.
    • Cultural Diversity: Malta's vibrant culture is a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. Festas, colorful village celebrations honoring patron saints, bring communities together in lively processions and fireworks. The Maltese language, a unique fusion of Semitic and Romance influences, reflects the island's diverse heritage. Modern art galleries, theaters, and music festivals enrich the cultural landscape, showcasing Malta's contemporary creativity.
    • Culinary Delights: Maltese cuisine is a celebration of flavors. Savory pastizzi, lampuki pies, and aromatic rabbit stews tempt the palate. Fresh seafood, a Mediterranean staple, is transformed into delectable dishes at seaside restaurants. Local markets like Marsaxlokk's Sunday Fish Market offer an authentic taste of Maltese life, where fresh produce and seafood are displayed in a vibrant array.
    • Festivals and Sustainability: Malta's calendar is punctuated with lively events. Carnival, with its elaborate costumes and street revelries, paints the town in vibrant hues. The International Fireworks Festival illuminates the night sky with dazzling displays, drawing spectators from far and wide.


Study In Malta - Basic Guide
Capital City Valletta
Currency Euro
Official Language In Malta English
Scholarships In Malta Available
Deadline For Application In Malta All Year
Average Tuition Fee In Malta 1500 € / Semester
Average Tuition In Matla Mor Medicine 3000 € / Semester
Study in Malta without IELTS Possible
Can students work in Malta? Yes – 20 hours per week
Is Malta a Schengen Country? Yes
Degree Acceptance All EU Countries
Average Hostel Fee In Malta 150€ / month
Average Living Cost In Malta 350 € / month
Average Apartment Cost In Malta 300 € / month
Admission Process Time 2/3 Weeks
Visa Process 18-25 Days
Application Fee Upto 250 €
Malta Student Visa Embassy Fee 70-100 €
Malta Visa Ratio 85% Approx.
Best Courses In Malta Medicine, IT, BBA, Engineering, Hotel And Tourism
Average Salary In Malta 900-1500€
How to Apply In Malta? Register Now

Understanding Malta's Citizenship Programs

  • Malta Individual Investor Program (MIIP): This initiative demands significant financial investments in Maltese real estate, government bonds, and the National Development and Social Fund. It is one of the most popular routes for high-net-worth individuals seeking Maltese citizenship.
  • Residence and Visa Program (MRVP): This program allows individuals to reside in Malta while working towards citizenship eligibility. It involves investments in real estate and annual financial contributions, offering a pathway to full citizenship after several years of residency.

Eligibility Criteria and Documentation

  • Residency Requirement: Most citizenship programs necessitate a minimum period of legal residency in Malta. The duration varies based on the chosen program, typically ranging from 12 to 36 months. It is imperative to comprehend the nature and duration of this requirement.
  • Financial Contributions: Planning your financial investments is crucial. This involves understanding the minimum thresholds for non-refundable contributions, real estate purchases, government bonds, and other financial obligations mandated by the selected citizenship program.
  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in either Maltese or English, the official languages of Malta, is often a requirement. Applicants might need to pass language exams, such as the Maltese Proficiency Test (MPT) or English language exams like IELTS, to demonstrate their language proficiency.
  • Clean Criminal Record: Providing background checks and police clearance certificates from all countries of residence is essential. Demonstrating impeccable conduct is vital in the application process.

Application Process and Documentation

  • Completing the Application Form: Filling out the application form accurately and comprehensively is the first step. Providing detailed information about your background, finances, and intentions in Malta is crucial.
  • Due Diligence and Background Checks: Expect rigorous due diligence checks, including financial audits and interviews. Government authorities scrutinize your financial history, criminal record, and overall suitability for Maltese citizenship.
  • Interviews and Follow-ups: Applicants should be prepared for interviews to assess their knowledge of Malta, its culture, and their commitment to integrating into Maltese society. Responding to any follow-up inquiries promptly and professionally is essential.

Navigating the Waiting Period

  • Patience and Perseverance: Acquiring Maltese citizenship is a time-consuming process, often taking several months or even years. Patience and perseverance are essential virtues during this period.
  • Professional Assistance: Consider engaging legal and financial professionals experienced in Maltese citizenship applications. Their expertise can streamline the process, ensure compliance, and enhance your chances of a successful application.

Taking the Oath of Allegiance and Collecting Your Passport

  • Oath of Allegiance: Once your application is approved, you will be required to take the Oath of Allegiance to Malta. This oath signifies your loyalty and commitment to your new homeland.
  • Collecting Your Malta Passport: Upon taking the oath, you can apply for your Maltese passport. This passport is not just a travel document; it's a symbol of your new identity, granting you the freedom to travel across the European Union and numerous other countries visa-free.

Integration into Maltese Society

  • Engaging with Local Communities: Actively participating in local events, community activities, and cultural celebrations can help you integrate into Maltese society. Engaging with the local population fosters a sense of belonging.
  • Exploring Malta: Take this opportunity to explore Malta's historical sites, scenic landscapes, and vibrant cities. Immerse yourself in the rich heritage of your new home. Understanding Malta's traditions and customs will enrich your experience as a citizen.

Responsibilities and Privileges of Maltese Citizenship

  • Citizenship Responsibilities: As a Maltese citizen, you are expected to abide by the laws, contribute to society, and participate in civic duties, including voting in local and national elections.
  • Privileges of Maltese Citizenship: Enjoy the benefits of Maltese citizenship, including unrestricted travel within the European Union, access to high-quality healthcare and education, and the ability to work or establish businesses without the constraints faced by non-citizens.